Full Money-Back Guarantee, Plus $1,000
In order to qualify for this money-back guarantee, you must meet the following requirements:
- You must take the California bar exam within six (6) months of graduating law school. This would be the next scheduled bar exam after graduation.
- This must be your first time taking the bar exam. This offer is not open to those who have already taken the bar exam in California or any other state.
- You must have received a J.D. from an ABA-accredited law school in California and graduated in the top-half of your class. One-Timers will consider extending the offer to those who have graduated from an ABA accredited law school outside of California or who were in the top half of their class at the end of the first-year of law school.
One-Timers has a 98.3% record with students falling under this money-back guarantee. This guarantee is open to the first twenty-five (25) students who qualify and enroll in One-Timers for each administration of the bar exam. Approval by One-Timers is required prior to enrollment.
One-Timers is confident in your success!
Repeat Bar Taker MBE Guarantee
Guaranteed Higher MBE Scores. One-Timers has consistently had its students score above the national average on the MBE. Therefore, if you received a below average MBE score on a previous administration of the bar exam, One-Timers will refund one-half of your money if your MBE score does not improve. Guaranteed.
To be eligible for the MBE Score Guarantee, you must attend every class (live or remotely), complete all of the assigned MBE questions, simulated exams, weekly quizzes, and reading assignments. It is assumed that your MBE score did improve, and thus you will not be eligible for a refund, if you pass the bar exam. This guarantee is open to the first twenty (20) students who qualify and enroll in One-Timers for each administration of the bar exam.
Money-back guarantees cannot be combined with any other offer or discount. One-Timers has the discretion to determine whether you qualify for either money-back guarantee. All decisions are final.
Head Start Guarantee
Get a head start by signing up for One-Timers before results come out and get a full refund if you pass. This is used by students who are unsure of their performance; but want the guaranteed peace of mind they deserve.